Wednesday 1 April 2015

Spinnakers are such fun

We have had another slow day with the winds between 6 and 10 knots most of the day. It appears the winds have just picked up so perhaps the winds will increase and we will make some decent mileage today after all.
Things have been slow but busy on board with the changing of sails and preparing for shifts in the night.  The other night it was decided that we were making such good time with the spinnaker up that we would attempt to leave it up all night.  About 9 PM during my shift the wind came up and was over 20 knots so it was decided that the spinnaker needed to come down.  My job is to pull the sock over the spinnaker so there I am looking up and decided that the line connected to the blue line must be the correct one to bring down the sock. Pull as I might it wouldn't come down so Rob was headed forward to help.  I yelled try the other line and lo and behold the sock started to come down.  Back Rob went to control the line and down came the sock slick as a whistle.  I won't be making that mistake again.
We are getting very good at putting the spinnaker(Para=sailer) up and down but often we have a glitch putting it up as the sock or lines get caught in the bellow that go forward from the front of the sail.
We made 135 nautical miles in the last 24 hours at 11 AM in our new time zone.  We all had hoped that the number would have been higher.  Checking just now we have 361 nautical miles to our destination.

1 comment:

  1. You guys must have arrived by now!! We'll keep checking in on your blog.
